2025 SHAV Membership

Welcome to SHAV!

Thank you for being a part of SHAV! Whether you are renewing your membership or joining for the first time, SHAV is here for you! Please feel free to contact a board member or the executive office with any questions or concerns.

Please fill in the form below with your information so that we can process your membership

Please select your desired membership type:

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Voting Members have all the privileges of membership in the Association, including the right to vote, hold office and chair committees. Voting members must hold a master’s or doctorate degree in speech-language pathology, audiology or a related discipline, and/or hold ASHA certification. Privileges include current issues of the Association newsletter, and reduced registration fees for Association continuing education opportunities.

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Associate Members must hold an Associate’s degree or higher in speech-language pathology, audiology or a related discipline. Individuals with other credentials in the speech-language-hearing disciplines may apply to the VP of Membership for Associate Membership. Associate Members may not vote or be committee chairs. Privileges include current issues of the association newsletter and reduced registration fees for Association continuing education opportunities.
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Professional members of another state association (must send proof of current membership). They have the same privileges as a Voting Member.
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Commercial members are companies with an interest in the field. Privileges include current issues of the association newsletter and reduced marketing fees. Commercial Memberships may not vote or be committee chairs.

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Currently enrolled as full- or part-time students in speech-language pathology, audiology or a related discipline. Verification must be signed by a faculty member each year as a SHAV member. They have the same privileges as an Associate Member.
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Has completed a grad program within the past year.

Amount You Pay Today (includes processing fee of $0):

Amount You Pay Today


(Approx. $0.00)

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2700 Cumberland Pkwy, 150, Atlanta, 30339